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Work With Us

We are always looking for caring, compassionate people to join our incredible team. Mediclinic does a lot of great work for the community, and we are looking for people to help us reach even more people in need.

Are you ready to join our team?

Please email enquiries to the Practice Manager on

Independent Practitioners

General Practitioner

Join the Doctors at Mediclinic in making a positive change.

Seeking doctors working in General Practice, Addiction Medicine, or both. 

Locum, part-time, or full time welcome.  Independent Contractors only.

Mixed Billing, free onsite parking, established relationship with the PHN and Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic. No shortage of patients - waiting for you to join us. 

Social Worker
(Medicare Provider)

We are finding clients in need of additional in-house support and a Social Worker would provide a great addition to the multi-disciplinary team. Lead and inspire our Patient Support Services, shaping the Social Worker students of the future.

Medicare Providers only.  Referrals guaranteed.


We are seeking a Psychologist onsite. Our clients are always in need of psychology support and are finding an increase in demand. Bulk billing NOT required - set your own fees. Options for room rent or service fee.

Rooms Available

We have rooms available throughout the week. Fully equipped and can be customized to your needs.

Consulting Suite , Clinical Consultation Room 

We also have our Conference Room available for hire.

Please contact the Manager via email : or call 95441555

Practice Information


Monday - Friday:             9am to 6pm

Saturday:                            9am to 4pm 

Sunday:                                Closed

Public Holidays:               Closed

Address:                                     Factory 25/14-26 Audsley  Street,

                                                         Clayton South, Victoria, 3169

Directions:                                 Heading down Audsley Street from                                                                            Centre Road, we are the first factory on                                                                     the left.

Phone:                                   (03) 9544 1555

Fax:                                         (03) 9544 8137

Your feedback is important to us. 

If you would like to provide any feedback, please email to : or call and speak with the Practice Manager so your contact can be appropriately triaged and documented.

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