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Opening and Seasonal Hours

Dear Patients,

There has been some conflicting information on our Google Business Page with regards to our opening hours.

Please be advised that the Mediclinic hours are...

Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm (Phones may turn off between 1pm-2pm for team lunches or meetings)

Saturday-Sunday: Closed

We are also closed for the following days over the Christmas + New Year Period...

Last day of appointments: Friday 23rd of December 2022

Clinic re-opens: Tuesday 3rd of January 2023

We will be overwhelmed with appointments in December and January, so please play your part and book your appointments ahead of time where possible.

PS: Ask your pharmacist when your script is due to expire, and book an appointment before it's due!


Practice Information


Monday - Friday:             9am to 6pm

Saturday:                            9am to 4pm 

Sunday:                                Closed

Public Holidays:               Closed

Address:                                     Factory 25/14-26 Audsley  Street,

                                                         Clayton South, Victoria, 3169

Directions:                                 Heading down Audsley Street from                                                                            Centre Road, we are the first factory on                                                                     the left.

Phone:                                   (03) 9544 1555

Fax:                                         (03) 9544 8137

Your feedback is important to us. 

If you would like to provide any feedback, please email to : or call and speak with the Practice Manager so your contact can be appropriately triaged and documented.

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